A few days ago I had lunch with the product team of a mid-sized software company, and one of the product managers had a conundrum: "Sometimes I hear the same feature request over and over, but when we finally release it customers barely use it." Does that sound...
Roadmap and Roadmap Management
Benefit versus Cost: How to Prioritize Your Product Roadmap
Deciding which initiatives to include in your future product releases can be daunting. Product prioritization is even more difficult when there are too many opportunities to choose from and too many stakeholders to satisfy. Often these all-important decisions are...
Should You Flip Your Product Roadmap Process Around?
If your product team is like most, you have software for capturing issues, managing requirements, and tracking projects. After all, it's essential to manage the details and deliver quality product releases. But we hear regularly from product managers who tell us it’s...
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